Santa Claus is Coming to Town – Christmas 2018

Hey guys! Christmas is fast on its way (in fact, it’s in two days) so here’s my Xmas post for this year. Enjoy!

Warning: There’s quite a lot of photos below. I may have gone overboard with the photo-taking but I just can’t resist it 😬


Nighttime scene





Remember this fireplace from last year?



Hot chocolate is my life




One of the many Christmas-scented candles we have



Our Christmas Eve dinner table setting




This year’s DIY ornament — it’s two-sided!




My Christmas display 🙂


Turned off the light so that y’all can see it better



My Christmas stocking, from Aunty Brenda 🙂





My Christmas scrunchie!


And yeah, that’s about it! After many, many, many photos and much scrolling you’ve finally reached the end 😂 hope you liked this post!

Heidi ♥

Top 5 Harry Potter Fan Theories

Hey guys! Recently I’ve been obsessed with Harry Potter fan theories, so I thought I’d share some of my favourites with you guys.

  1. Ron Weasley is a time-travelling Dumbledore

Personally, I think this a very good theory. In the books, both Ron and Dumbledore are described as being skinny and tall with long, thin noses and red hair in their youth. Also,  Dumbledore has a scar on his left leg, and we all know that when Ron was attacked by the Whomping Willow and Padfoot in CoS that he broke his leg (J.K. never mentioned which one but it could well be the left). Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

“…Scars can come in handy. I have one myself above my left knee that is a perfect map of the London Underground.

      2. The Resurrection Stone is a lure to death

This is a rather dark and sobering theory. In the Tale of the Three Brothers, we know that Death wanted to kill the brothers for outing him. He gave the Elder Wand to the oldest brother, who gets killed by someone for it. The youngest brother gets the Invisibility Cloak because he knows what Death’s intentions are and hides from him using the Cloak, finally passing it on to his son and going with Death willingly.

“And then he greeted Death as an old friend, and went with him gladly, and, equals, they departed this life.”

Now we come to the second brother. The second brother was given the Resurrection Stone, which called back his lover from the dead (kind of).

“To his amazement and his delight, the figure of the girl he had once hope to marry, before his untimely death, appeared at once before him. Yet she was sad and cold, separated from him as by a veil. Though she had returned to the mortal world, she did not truly belong there and suffered. Finally the second brother, driven mad with hopeless longing, killed himself so as truly to join her.”

You read that. He killed himself. He died, just like his brothers.

Fast forward some hundred years. Harry in the Deathly Hallows is willing to give himself up to Voldemort to save his friends, cuz…cuz, well, he’s The Chosen One. Also, he’s a noble git.

Along the way he takes out the Resurrection Stone. Harry’s parents as well as Sirius and Remus appear, though they look strange.

“They were neither ghost nor truly flesh, he could see that. They resembled most closely the Riddle that had escaped from the diary so long ago, and he had been memory made nearly solid. Less substantial than living bodies, they moved toward him, and on each face, there was the same loving smile.”

“Memory made nearly solid.” Memory. 

Also, “on each face, there was the same loving smile”. Is it just me, or does this strike me as a little creepy?

“You are nearly there,” said James. “Very close. We are…so proud of you.” “Does it hurt?” The childish question had fallen from Harry’s lips before he could stop it. “Dying? Not at all,” said Sirius. “Quicker and easier than falling asleep.” “And he will want it to be quick. He wants it over,” said Lupin.

Don’t these words strike you as a little odd? If you read closely, it almost seems like Lily, James, Sirius and Remus, who loved Harry and did anything to protect him (actually, he was the reason they were all dead. Ahem.) were encouraging Harry to die.

But, what would make sense if those weren’t Lily, James, Sirius or Remus at all. What would make sense is that they were mirages, shown by the Resurrection Stone to encourage the user to die. In other words, the Stone shows you whatever it can to convince you to die. That’s why they looked odd and behaved slightly strangely, as did the second brother’s lover.

Oh, Merlin.

3. J.K. Rowling is Rita Skeeter

Time to move onto a more cheerful theory. So, the theory is that J,K. Rowling is actually Rita Skeeter in disguise as a Muggle, writing stories about the Wizarding World after she was banished. Their appearance is even similar — both have blond hair! This is actually rather believable. That would mean that all of Harry’s adventures and the books are real!

4. Crookshanks belonged to Lily and James Potter

In TDH, it’s mentioned that the Potters had a cat in the letter that Lily wrote to Sirius.

“…but he nearly killed the cat…”

It’s also mentioned that Crookshanks lived in the Magical Menagerie for a long time, and it would explain how Crookshanks knew that Scabbers was Peter Pettigrew in Animagus form, and why he helped Sirius in CoS. Personally, I love this theory!

5. Harry and Hermione are siblings

Gosh, this theory…it’s a rather intriguing one, but I’m not sure if a like it or not. Basically it states that when Lily and James dies their two kids were shipped off to different adoptive families, and that Harry and Hermione were, in fact, brother and sister. This explains why they have such a close relationship but were never involved romantically. This theory states that Hermione knew their relationship all along, but never revealed it. There are many clues, such as how Hermione often stops herself from saying something, especially in TSS:

“…friendship and bravery and — oh Harry…” (and what? Family?)

Hermione also continuously acts protectively and caring towards Harry, like in her letter to Harry and Ron in CoS:

“I hope everything went all right and that Harry is OK and that you didn’t do anything illegal to get him out, Ron, because that would get Harry into trouble, too. I’ve been really worried and if Harry is all right, will you please let me know at once…”

Notice how she mentions Harry many times and sounds extremely worried about his welfare, whereas Ron is barely mentioned.

Another piece of evidence, once again found in CoS:

“Wake up,” she said loudly, pulling back the curtains at the window. “Hermione – you’re not supposed to be in here,” said Ron, shielding his eyes against the light. “Merry Christmas to you, too,” said Hermione, throwing him his present. “I’ve been up for nearly an hour, adding more lacewings to the Potion. It’s ready.” Harry sat up, suddenly wide awake. “Are you sure ?” “Positive,” said Hermione, shifting Scabbers the rat so that she could sit down on the end of his four-poster…

Remember that Hermione is often against breaking the rules, but in this case, she thinks nothing of walking into the boys’ dorm without permission. Most probably in her mind this is simply “my brother’s room”.

When Penelope and Hermione are petrified in CoS, it is Harry that McGonagall goes straight to:

“Potter, I think you’d better come with me…”

Is it because he’s Hermione friend? In that case, wouldn’t she ask Ron along too, with just as much certainty? But no, instead, he is added as an afterthought:

Yes, perhaps you’d better come too, Weasley.”

Is this because McGonagall is aware that Harry is Hermione’s brother?

Next, McGonagall breaks into tears when Harry asks to visit Hermione:

“Yes, Potter, of course you may visit Miss Granger.”

Rather uncharacteristic for McGonagall, isn’t it, for her to burst into tears just because of someone wanting to visit a friend? Could it possibly be because she’s moved by Harry not knowing and yet still wanting to visit Hermione?

This theory is contradicted by J.K. Rowling’s statement that she had originally intended for Harry and Hermione to end up together, though. Is it too far fetched? Could it be true? All the evidence certainly seems to point to this.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments!

Harry Potter Chat Room

TheSlytherinPotter has logged on

NotTheChosenOne has logged on

WitBeyondMeasure has logged on

TheSlytherinPotter: So what’s new? How’s class?

WitBeyondMeasure: Well, your brother just made an Exploding Potion instead of a Sleeping Draught and blew up the Potions dungeon, got literally all his Goblin War dates wrong, predicted that Trelawney should have died last week, and accidentally turned me into a meerkat instead of Transfiguring a dinner plate into a mushroom.

TheSlytherinPotter: Oh. So, pretty well, then? How bout you, Rose?

NotTheChosenOne: Oh, I’m sure she’ll be delighted to tell you that she concocted a perfect Felix Felicis potion, got a hundred and ten on her House-Elf Liberation Front essay, correctly described what she saw in a teacup (me blowing up the Potions dungeon), and did a wonderful demonstration of Transfiguring a string into a caterpillar.

TheSlytherinPotter: Aunt Hermione would be proud.

WitBeyondMeasure: Oh, don’t flatter me. And James, if it makes you feel any better, Uncle Ron would be proud of you.

NotTheChosenOne: Um, no, it really doesn’t.

ScorpionKing has logged on

ScorpionKing: Hi Albus. Hi Rose. Hi James. Hi Rose. Oh wait, I’ve already said that, haven’t I?

WitBeyondMeasure: Malfoy??? What on earth are you doing here?

NotTheChosenOne: Now, Rose, let’s not be so unfriendly.

WitBeyondMeasure: Oh, James, admit it, you just like his username, don’t you?

NotTheChosenOne: No! No, no…noooo…um, well, maybe a little.

TheSlytherinPotter: Hey, Scorpius.

ScorpionKing: What’s are you guys doing?

WitBeyondMeasure: Scheming against scorpions. I hate insects, you see.

TheSlytherinPotter: Um, Scorpius, maybe you’d better go before Rose kills you. Virtually, of course. She can’t touch you physically. At least, not now.

ScorpionKing: Oh. Oh, ok. @Albus: I think I’m growing on her!

WitBeyondMeasure: GO. AWAY.

ScorpionKing has logged out


Lily Potter: A Harry Potter Fanfiction

The Sorting Hat

“Anything off the cart, dear?”

Lily looked up from her book. She was sitting in one of the train compartments, alongside Albus and James, who had concluded that the Lightningstreak was the better broom and had moved on to whether unicorns were girly or not. The Trolley Witch was standing in the doorway of her compartment. Lily jumped up and paid her eight Sickles and two Knuts for some Pumpkin Pasties and a couple of Chocolate Frogs. James and Albus were too busy arguing to notice.

Sitting down, she unwrapped a Chocolate Frog and pulled out a card. Lily grinned at the sight of her father smiling up at her from the card. She carefully slipped the card inside her trunk, to show her father when she had the chance, and then ate the rest of her sweets.

A few hours later, the train chugged to a halt and students began to get off the train. “Firs’ years! Firs’ years over here!” a giant of a man with a big, hairy face was shouting. “Ah, you must be Lily! Another Potter, eh?” he chuckled as he saw Lily. Murmurs rose and faces turned towards her and her brothers upon hearing the name Potter.

“Hey, Albus!” someone sneered. Lily turned and came face-to-face with a pale face with slicked back blonde hair. As the boy’s dark eyes met hers’, a faint blush crept up his cheeks.

“Nice to see you, Scorpius,” James answered with equal venom in his voice. “Stay away from us, Malfoy.” Lily glanced over her shoulder as they walked away. The boy was standing with his mouth slightly open. He quickly looked away when she saw him looking at her.

“Who was that?” Lily asked her brothers.

“He’s Draco Malfoy’s son,” replied Albus, glaring over his shoulder at the boy.

“Draco Malfoy? Dad’s rival?”

James nodded. “Stay away from him, Lily. He’s bad news.”

They separated at a bend. Lily followed the other first years along a narrow pathway, while James and Albus went in a different direction. They rounded a corner and the narrow path they were on opened onto the edge of a black lake. A majestic castle with several turrets and towers, its windows glittering, was perched atop a tall mountain on the other side.

“Four to a boat, please!” Hagrid called, indicating the fleet of boats floating in the water nearby. Lily looked around. The pale, slight figure of Scorpius Malfoy caught her eye. He was standing alone, looking lost. He caught her eye and scowled at her. She stepped towards him and his eyes widened. Just because he’s the son of Dad’s archenemy doesn’t necessarily mean he’s a bad guy, thought Lily. She gave him a tiny smile and he blushed deeply. Turning, she climbed into an empty boat and waited. Scorpius’ gaze darted around anxiously his movements jittery. He hesitated for a moment, then, seeming to make a decision, climbed into the boat after Lily. He sat with his head turned away from her, determinedly avoiding her gaze. Well, that’s fine, thought Lily. She wasn’t intending to become best friends with hm anyway.

A slim girl with shiny black hair and large eyes climbed into their boat, followed closely by a boy with a freckled face. Lily gave them a smile and the boy returned it hesitantly, but the black-haired girl just stared coolly at her. Feeling a little uncomfortable, Lily averted her gaze and they sat in silence for the rest of the journey.

Minutes later, they reached the enormous oak front doors of the castle, on which Hagrid knocked three times. The doors creaked open. A tall, stern-looking witch was standing there. “Welcome to Hogwarts, first years. The start-of-term banquet is beginning shortly, but first, you will be Sorted into your Houses.” Professor McGonagall led them through a pair of double doors, into the Great Hall.

Thousands of lit candles floated over four long tables in the middle of the hall, where students in their school robes were seated. On the tables were placed shining golden plates and goblets. At the head of the hall sat the rest of the teachers. Professor McGonagall placed a short stool in front of the first years, who were lined up in front of the teachers’ table, facing the students. On top of the stool was a pointed, frayed and dirty wizard’s hat. It was sagging in places and for some reason was scorched at the corners.

The Sorting Hat jerked and a rip opened wide like a mouth. It began to sing in a hoarse voice:

Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,

I have served this school for many years,

Yet often I wonder,

Might the end be near?

Years ago, when the Dark Lord was alive,

I warned you all

That a battle might arise.

And so it did, and now I must caution

The past might repeat itself,

For the Augurey has blossomed.

But, oh, don’t I sound like

The oracle of Delphi,

Predicting the future

Soon you’ll be asking, Will I win that Quidditch trophy?

So I’ll do my job, and sort you into your Houses

But beware, the future is near.

I’ve never been once wrong

So slip me about your ears,

For the Sorting Ceremony starts here.


The Sorting Hat fell silent. There was a stunned silence in the Great Hall for a moment, then someone started clapping and the rest of the Hall followed quickly, despite the outbreak of murmuring about the Sorting Hat’s curious song. Professor McGonagall, however, appeared unruffled, calling out, “When I say your name, please put on the hat and sit on the stool. Ames, Jake!”

A dark-haired boy scrambled onto the stool and put on the hat, which covered his eyes completely. Then – “RAVENCLAW!” yelled the hat.

The Ravenclaw table, second from the left, applauded enthusiastically as Jake went over.

“Armony, Gregory!”

“HUFFLEPUFF!” shouted the hat. Gregory joined the table on the right as they cheered.

“Bane, Ada!”

The black-haired girl whom Lily had sat with in the boat on the way to Hogwarts stood up and walked calmly to the stool. Lily watched her nervously.

“SLYTHERIN!” screamed the hat.

The Slytherin table erupted in applause as Ada went to join them.

“Berry, Clarrisa” became a Gryffindor, and so did “Barbara, James.”

Right after “Melliot, Aces” came “Malfoy, Scorpius”. Lily watched as Scorpius, pale-faced yet composed, put on the hat and waited. There was silence for a few moments, but Lily could see the colour draining out of Scorpius’ face rapidly.

“RAVENCLAW!” shouted the hat.

The hall was silent as Scorpius took off the hat shakily and reluctantly walked over to the Ravenclaw table.

Lily was suddenly envious of him.

Finally, “Potter, Lily.”

A hush fell over the Hall as Lily went up to the stool. Shakily she put on the hat and sat down. “Hmm, another Potter,” mused a voice in her ear. “Family’s all Gryffindors, eh? But you…hmm…you are different.” Ravencl – no, Gryffindor. I mustn’t disappoint my family, Lily thought furiously. The Sorting Hat laughed. “Yes, exactly what I was thinking. Ravenclaw would be the best House for you. I had a hard time deciding for you father too, you know. He would’ve made a fantastic Slytherin, yet I put him in Gryffindor. I’ve wondered whether I made a huge mistake, doing that. If I did…then, well, I’m not going to do the same thing to you. RAVENCLAW!” This last word was yelled to the whole hall.

An astonished silence swept the hall.

Stunned and not completely sure what had just happened, Lily took off the hat and walked toward the cheering Ravenclaw table. As she passed the Gryffindor table, she caught sight of James and Albus staring at her in shock. Seeing the sympathy in their eyes, something sparked inside her. Why, she had gotten her wish, hadn’t she? She was proud to be a Ravenclaw. She wasn’t ashamed, unlike her brothers. Holding her head up high, she continued walking to the Ravenclaws and grinned as they all jostled to shake her hand.

Lily Potter: A Harry Potter Fanfiction

Platform Nine-and-Three-Quarters

Lily Potter stood hand in hand with her mother and father, gazing up at the scarlet steam engine in front of them. Her older brothers, James and Albus, were arguing a little way behind about who had the best broomstick. Steam issued from the Hogwarts Express and goodbyes and owl hoots filled the air. Lily had waited many long years for this, and she was finally getting her wish. She was going to Hogwarts, along with her brothers and friends.

A meow came from the wicker basket situated on the trolley along with their trunks and owl cages. Aunt Hermione, who had had a cat when she was at Hogwarts, had bought Lily the ginger-haired cat currently residing within the basket, whom Aunt Hermione claimed looked exactly like her late cat, Crookshanks. Therefore, Lily had named it Crookshanks Junior.

Aunt Hermione, Uncle Ron and her father had all been best friends when they were young, and they still were – best friends, not young. Not anymore. The Golden Trio had all grown up now.

Ginny smiled at her daughter and squeezed her hand. Then she said, “I remember being on the Hogwarts Express. It feels like yesterday that we were on our way to Hogwarts.”

Her husband grinned. “It does,” he agreed.

Harry Potter’s brilliant green eyes twinkled behind his round glasses as he pushed back his messy black hair. The iconic scar on his forehead was barely visible, just a faded white lightning bolt. The Boy Who Lived was famous all over the Wizarding World, and so were his three children, James, Albus and Lily. Lily was the last in the family to go to Hogwarts, being the youngest. The Potter family was a family of Gryffindors. Every single one of Lily’s relatives had been sorted into Gryffindor. She knew her parents were hoping for her to be sorted into Gryffindor too, but secretly, in her deepest of hearts, Lily wanted to be a Ravenclaw. She was like Aunt Hermione, intelligent and quick-witted. A ‘know-it-all’, a name fondly given by The Golden Trio. But no one knew about this secret of hers. No one could know.

The annoyed voice of her brother snapped Lily out of her thoughts. “Albus! The Lightningstreak is obviously better than the Firebolt. The Firebolt was Dad’s generation. The Lightningstreak is the newer, better version!” James said smugly.

Albus pouted. “But the Firebolt –”

“Enough, boys,” Ginny said firmly. “The train’s about to leave. Go on, take your stuff.”

Albus and James grasped their trunks and owl cages, still quarreling. Lily grabbed her trunk and Crookshanks’ basket, and hugged her parents. “Bye, Mum. Bye, Dad.”

James and Albus shouted goodbyes as well, and then the three siblings climbed aboard the train.

To Hogwarts…at last, thought Lily.

The Bond


I stared through the bars of my enclosure, whimpering as yet another family walked right past me. Hearing my whines, Jax, one of the volunteers, walked over and squatted down in front of me and reached out to stroke me. “Sorry, little guy,” she murmured. “You’ll find your family one day. Don’t worry, Flash. It’s gonna be all right.” She smiled as she said this, but I couldn’t bring myself to believe her. Why didn’t anyone want to adopt me? I licked Jax’s hand in thanks anyway. Giving me a reassuring smile, Jax stood up and walked away — just like everyone else did. I slumped onto the floor sadly. I had always tried my best to be friendly and lovable, and I made sure I was gentle with children and old people – I mean, what was wrong with me? Sure, I couldn’t see very well sometimes, and maybe I bumped into things sometimes – but overall I wasn’t a bad little guy. 


Raindrops hammered on the car window as I leant my head against it, watching the shops speeding by. Why? Why did we have to get a dog? Dogs were troublesome. Surely there was some other way to “learn to be responsible”, like my parents said. Most kids would be jumping up and down in excitement if they got a dog, but not me. No way would I ever get a dog willingly.  


Sighing, I batted dully at my faded blue rope. The door’s bell tinkled and I raised my eyes half-heartedly, watching the girl and her parents that came in. Well, no harm trying. I sat up straight and tried to look cute and friendly. The girl walked over to my enclosure, and despite myself, I could feel my heart beating against my chest. Maybe this was it. Maybe I was about to get a home. The girl locked eyes with me, and in that moment, I felt a flash of something warm stir inside me. And then I saw it. A thin tendril of white light, growing from my chest and connecting to the girl’s, no thicker than a string. But it was there. My eyes widened, and so did the girl’s. 


I walked grumpily into the shelter and made for the first dog I saw. I was just going to choose any one, and get it over and done with. The dog’s fur was completely white, with pointed ears and a fluffy tail. As my eyes moved onto the dog’s black ones, a warm feeling stirred inside my chest. I looked down, immediately spotting the small line of light connecting the dog and me. The tendril of light was reflected in the dog’s eyes. Somehow, I knew that this would be my dog. Not just any random one. I turned to my parents, who were gazing at a golden retriever next door. “Angie, how about this one?” I shook my head. “No. It has to – it has to be him,” I said, wondering what I was getting myself into. Her mother flicked a glance at the white dog and looked uncertainly at her husband. “But, Angie…look at his label.” I raised my eyes to the label on the dog’s cage that had his name, age, and information on it. Flash. That’s a nice name, I thought. He was a year old. And…and…he was blind in one eye. 



I squeaked in excitement as the girl poked a hand through the bars and reached towards me. I tripped forward eagerly, craving the touch of her hand, to feel love, to feel wanted. Her hand met my white fur, and something like an electric shock jolted through me, then it was gone. It was just the girl stroking me, gently, lightly. I shivered in delight. Jax had petted me before, many times, but it had never felt like this. The girl glanced up at her parents. “He doesn’t seem blind,” she said. Oh no. Not that word again. Blind. It was a word I had heard many times before, and even though I didn’t know exactly what it meant, I sensed from the tone of people’s voices when they said it that it was not a good word. A negative word. Was this girl going to walk away from me, like all the others? No. She couldn’t. We have a connection.   


“Can you take him out?” I asked one of the volunteers standing nearby. Her nametag read Jax. She smiled and unlocked the cage, and Flash bounded out into my arms, licking me and wriggling. I chuckled and crooned to him, “You wanna come home with me? Yes you do. Yes you do.” Up close, I could see that one of his eyes was foggy, but the other was clear, bright, and sparkling. I grinned, turned to my parents and said, “I’m taking him.” 


I couldn’t believe it! Finally! I was going! I jumped around in joy. Then I saw Jax, her face a mixture of happiness and sadness. I sobered. I was going to miss Jax, and I knew she would miss me too. I trotted over to her and gently pawed her leg to get her attention. She chuckled softly and lifted me so that I was nose-to-nose with her. I licked her, hoping she would understand that I was saying goodbye. “Bye, Flash,” she murmured. She set me down and the girl, Angie, picked me up. Together with her parents, we ventured out of the pet store. I whimpered in anticipation, feeling the cool air on my face, catching the many city smells of food and people as they drifted past. I was out, and I had a home and family. I was finally happy.

Little Roach

My feelers twitch,
My legs scuttle,
I run quick;
My nerves are ruffled.

I scamper under chairs,
Over the grimy floor tiles.
A meter away is my lair,
Although it feels like miles.

Someone’s in the room.
I have been discovered!
Boom, boom.
My hiding place has been uncovered.

Please, have some mercy.
Though I am itty-bitty,
Do not smother me with your jersey.
Have some pity!

Little Roach passed away on September 5th in a human’s house. It was the 10th house he had been to. This poem has been written in memory of Little Roach. Little Roach, we will always remember you as the longest living cockroach ever. Rest in Peace. 

Biographies from CWP 2018

Cat the Dog lives with 12 cats in a remote neighbourhood near Gold Coast. He has been known to eat kilograms of salmon and throw it up all within minutes. He often tries (and fails) to climb trees and enjoys chasing mice. He has also starred in a movie called “10 Ways to Play With Yarn”.

The famous cockroach known as  Little Roach has survived for two weeks now. Most cockroaches, unlike Little Roach, survive for only a few days before getting killed by paranoid humans. Little Roach has been in and out of 9 houses and given 4 people panic attacks. His favourite pastime is crawling on people’s heads.

Harry Potter Chat Room

(Hey guys, I’ve decided to change things up a little….so if you don’t know who these guys are, PLEASE go and read HP and the Cursed Child…)

NotTheChosenOne has logged on

RoseGrangerWeasley has logged on


RoseGrangerWeasley: Assuming that’s you, James, the reason why Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny haven’t given you a laptop before now is because they didn’t think you were responsible enough…

NotTheChosenOne: At least I have an interesting username. Whereas anyone would know it was you, Rose.

RoseGrangerWeasley has changed her username to WitBeyondMeasure

WitBeyondMeasure: Happy now??

NotTheChosenOne: Wit beyond measure is a Ravenclaw thing, but ok. Suits you, Smarty Pants, just like your mum. No offence to Aunt Hermione, of course.

TheSlytherinPotter has logged on


TheSlytherinPotter: Who else?

WitBeyondMeasure: Hey, Al.

NotTheChosenOne: No fair! How come he gets a laptop??

TheSlytherinPotter: (slyly) I’m responsible, aren’t I? More than you, big bro.

NotTheChosenOne: NOPE.

LikeALily has logged on


WitBeyondMeasure: Now that’s a little too soon for a laptop…

NotTheChosenOne: At least she has a creative username.


TheSlytherinPotter: Lily. The Caps-Lock.

LikeALily: WHAT?

TheSlytherinPotter: sigh


LikeALily has logged out

WitBeyondMeasure: Um…

NotTheChosenOne: She’s right. I smell dinner.

TheSlytherinPotter: Me too.

NotTheChosenOne has logged out

TheSlytherinPotter has logged out

WitBeyondMeasure: Boys.

WitBeyondMeasure has logged out





London 2018 – Animals

I met SO MANY animals during our London Trip.

Firstly, at the farmstay. I mentioned these guys in my London 2018 – Hotels post. There were two ex-racehorses, one 🐴 named Budgie who was one of my favourites and SO gentle and sweet; a calf 🐮 named Olive who was super shy except when it came to food, two chickens🐔(don’t think they have names) who lost their fear of me and kept coming up to me; a cat 🐱 named Joey who was kinda aloof but would come when I asked him to; and a cute sheepdog 🐶 (not really of sheepdog breed but he herds the sheep) named Vinny who was another of my favourites, and very affectionate (and I forgot to mention this in the Hotels post but he’s part dingo! How cool is that?). I love all the animals (yes, even the chickens).


Budgie 🐴


Olive 🐮


Joey 🐱


Vinny 🐶

No pics of the chickens, sadly. Poor chickens.

Next, here’s a collage of all (I probably missed out one or two but there’s just TOO MANY) the dogs I met, made by me using Pic Collage…haha…


Edit: Oh, here’s the poor guy I missed out. Look at his beautiful eyes!!

